I'm so tired of him & his outrageous fugly top hats in every color & pattern invented://
&& that damn grill look like greasy ass popcorn butter---ewwwie. he prolly ain't even got teeth ne more, just a grill glued to his black ass gums:/ grossski
::::Well--T-Pain is quite an entertaining & strange character && there are several words one could use to describe him, yet none that quite capture the essence of Mr. Top Hat than his OWN: Look what he had to say in a recent article on Blender.com::
Many rap horn-dogs talk about the inspiration they get out of strip clubs. When he was 15, T-Pain got a life-changing experience. “In Tallahassee, dudes would hire girls at their house and charge admission,” he recalls. “I remember f*cking one girl on a couch in the living room, in front of everyone. She kept her skirt on so it looked like a real intense lap dance. I loooved that!”
WHAT THE HELL??? 15 years old and fuckkin in public? wowza......I'm sure the ppl that witnessed that are deff blinded for life:/
oh yeaa---he said this ish too::
Even if it isn’t the sexiest topic, he enjoys mining aspects of matrimony for material. One of the funniest moments on Thr33 Ringz comes on the song “Therapy,” where a narrator tells an unloving woman, “I don’t need your sex, I’ll masturbate.” “See, that line comes straight out of my life!” he says. “I’m married, and I jerk off all the time. Some R&B singers act like they getting sex every night. T-Pain is here to tell you: Ain’t no one getting sex every night!”
T Pain & his nameless wifey
EWWWWIE @ the last qoute:/ No one wants to picture T-pain milking his wanker. Pure eye rape while reaading this.....I shouldn't have posted it, Imma have nightmares:(
.....no comment on this picture
ever wonder what t-pain's kids look like?? here u go:
surprisingly cute:0
I personally love Keri &&can’t wait for her album…she has beautiful voice & her swagg @ 100. We all know many albums have a few tracks that we aren’t feeling. Lets just hope this is one of those. And I sorta dig the new hairstyle on her…change is good.