September 17, 2008

I Miss My Friends:/

This post is dedicated to all of my friends back home in Mt. P.
FL pretty much sucks ass cus yall ain't here:/
But I kno CMU sucks ass cus i;m not there:/
Either way...I love each one of u & am sooo thankful to have you in my life.:0


My besti:0
LOve this girl more than i love Cheez-Its (trust me...that's A LOT!)
We always on the same page && we just get each other. FL REALLLLLY REALLLLLY REALLLLYY sucks without her....If only she could come visit (OH wait--she is):0
&&& She's got a pretty dope ass blog--so ch ch check it out--she always got the updates on THE flyest kicks:: Confessions Of A Life-a-Holic

---i'll blog bout the rest of my wondrous friends in the morrow
but im goin to bed cus i gotta work earrrrlllly in the morning:0
ta ta for now homies!!

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