September 27, 2008

Random Sidenote...

While laying on my couch eating my lean pocket (cus they healthier than hot pockets... DUH!),
:::I randomly decided that I wanna designate days for certain topics...
so: from now on....
I will only post New Musica on Thursdays
(unless its Kanye, he gets any day he wants:)
-D.O.P.E. Kick posts will be on Sundays
and I will begin my new Hawt Trends posts on Tuesdays!!!
Plus I'm gonna throw in a few new bits::
-Fug Fashion:: Celeb fashion flops:/

-Shits Buzzin :: Random stuff that I think is cool!!
-C00l Kid:: A celeb or random person I say is on top of they're game!!

So--- All in All---I'm just gonna be doin the cateorgy thingy..
which ultimately leaves more time in between for gossip!!! & more random sidenotes! finished:0

&& I doubt that I'll write any more "personal blogs"
cus i got wayyyyyy too much flack for a certian post!


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